Thursday, July 30, 2020

Calendar Towels

Can you believe the 70's were fifty years ago? I cannot. For several years we received these towels from New Jersey at Christmas. Everything has faded except the embroidery of our name. This year we received many calendars from companies and they were appreciated. We had them hanging in three rooms so last month I knew we didn't need the surplus so I recycled about four "extras." Suddenly two of the ones on display disappeared! Now we are short places to record appointments!

Easy come, easy go. (Lee thinks he took them down and threw them out.) I should use the calendar on my phone!


  1. I remember the calendar towels. They were realy popular. If I had three calendars to write appointments on I would forget something on one of them! I use a day-timer notebook and also keep all of our prescription and doctor information in it. It's small, only 5-7 and goes everywhere with me in my knitting bag so I always have it.

  2. My Grandmother always had a calendar hanging in the of those glitzy fabric ones with all the months:) Not sure who gave them to her every year...maybe she ordered them from Fingerhut for herself:)

  3. My mom always had one of those tiny calendars from the bank. It hung on tiny nail right beside her at the kitchen sink. I had a couple cloth calendars that my ex's family gave us a couple times way back when but those are long gone. Now I use a planner (like Betsy above) and I also use my phone, I record all our medical, recipes, and lot of other things I want in hardcopy form in my planner and then just plug in appointments on my phone. I have to stay organized since I caregive for hubby. Blessings!
