Tuesday, July 7, 2020

Friends on Line

For the second day in a row I have spent half an hour or more with two technical people from our service provider for the television.

Lee was watching his GIANT tv and it just stopped showing any picture.

After all the rigmarole* of verifying who I was, they were very nice and helped me by sending a signal to the cable into the television to restart the dang thing. Success both days but frustration also. It seemed to take much longer than it actually did! 

Who remembers bringing home the tv, taking it out of the box, plugging it in, adjusting the "rabbit ears" and watching the three magic channels? 

I do.

*I had always pronounced this word rigamarole but Webster's 1988 Ninth New Collegiate Dictionary says that is a variation of rigmarole. 


  1. I've always said rigamarole too. Cable providers and cell phone companies are such a pain to call. It takes a long time to get through. I just had to cancel our cable/phone/internet company and I couldn't convince them that I'm not moving into another house that they could just transfer service to.

    1. I'm pretty sure they don't like to take no for an answer!

  2. Rigamarole here too...hope your TV keeps working. I love how they have to verify it is you a number of different ways...as if a stranger would call to fix your TV signal:(

  3. I remember TVs with rabbit ears. I also remember TVs with tubes in the back, and you took the tubes to a testing station in the store to see if they were any good.

  4. *raises hand* I remember the same tv with rabbit ears, growing up that's what my parents had, and then that's what we had for a while. I have always said rigamarole and will continue to say it that way lol.
