Wednesday, July 15, 2020

IV Day

Today I sneak out for the first time in several weeks to go into another building. Every eight weeks I get some "stuff" to help my immune system fight off bugs - germs. This is done at the regional medical center (it's not just a hospital anymore.)

There are some cases of coronavirus in the local hospital but I'm sure they are isolated.

So now that the county requires a mask when outside and inside, we'll see how the Reno countians are responding. Eight weeks ago there were still people going in without their faces covered.

Temperature will be taken. Questions will be asked. No to all. The only thing is, I have had all those symptoms for the last forty-five plus years. Nothing new to see here; move along.


  1. I hope all was well on your visit and everyone was wearing their masks. What an interesting world we're now living in.
