Saturday, August 1, 2020

Busy Saturday

There were lots of chores to do today. Laundry, clean the sweeper (!) I thought it was supposed to clean for us. Order groceries. That operation is still amazing. I can type in what I want and almost immediately their computer verifies that they have received my order. We will pick it up at the time of our choosing (tomorrow morning between 7 and 8 a.m.) No money changes hands. Charged on a card and paid once a month. A pleasant teen delivers the bags to the back of the van after I have opened that door. They also tell us about any changes or substitutions. Then home to unload.

My mom would have been so impressed.

Oh yes. And since it's the first of the month, write checks. I know. That could be done by computer automatically too, but I haven't tried that here yet. We did it in TX for a short time and then decided not to do it here.

Also, the weather is in the 80's and this is August in Kansas! That is amazing too.


  1. I'm sure enjoying our 80s this week - and thankful for the rain we had! I can hardly believe it's August with these temps! I'm thankful to be able to pay bills online. My account is strictly free e-checking - meaning no paper checks. I love it! I get the bills paid in five minutes every month! Of course it's the same four bills every month and the amounts never change, so that's extremely helpful. // I've wondered the same thing about my vacuum, why do I have to clean it. Ha! Blessings to you!

    1. Our bills are not the same each month. If they were, that would be much easier!

  2. We've had record setting heat all week. I'm ready for some cooler weather but glad you're enjoying some already.
    I enjoy ordering groceries online too as grocery shopping is one of my least favorite things to do.
    I pay some things online but some with checks. I guess I'm resistant to modern technology.

  3. I am learning to accept doing bills online...I always think that I should mail something!
    Yes we do the same thing with groceries pay with the card...and pay it off every month.
    we have 70's today but I suppose it will warm up. I don't like 80's but we will get there later in the week, How are Lee's cats:)
