Friday, February 7, 2020

February 7, 1904

This is my mom's 116th birthday. This is the photo they had taken for their thirty-fifth wedding anniversary in 1963. 

I miss her and can't believe it's fifty-six years. I got the call to come to the hospital the morning of October 31st (Hallowe'en.)  I wasn't at home to get the second call from the school that our older son was sick at school. The released him to WALK home. He got as far as my friend's house which happened to be on the way to ours. She was next on the list if they couldn't reach me. She started out her front door and there was this five year old boy, on his way home from Kindergarten, sitting on the curbing  in front of her house; feeling too bad to go on home.

As I look back on this, it is amazing that the school just "turned him loose." We were so concerned about him being ill and put into the hospital that the shock of my mom's death was sort of unreal. It was an unexpected heart attack.

Our son was in the hospital overnight with nothing more than a temperature. It was quite a coincidence that both things happened about 10:30 a.m. Mom and Mike were really close. (He was the first grandchild for two years and then she was just as close to his younger brother two years later.)

Sometimes things just happen and we can look back and wonder why.


  1. My Mom also died unexpectedly from a heart attack at 67. She had never had an issue before and then she was just gone. I was 29. I don't think losing a Mom is something you ever forget or "get over".
    I can't believe they let your little boy walk home alone after not being able to reach you. You didn't answer the phone! What made them think it was a good idea to send a sick child home to an empty house? Thank goodness for your friend and that he was alright in the end.
    My Mom would be 97 today. that is unbelieveable to me.

  2. I hope you called the school and gave them the what for! I am certain you miss your Mom! Genes Mom would have been 106 at Christmas time...she would have hated being that old:)
