Saturday, June 22, 2019


I have always liked to take pictures. My granny gave me an old box Brownie that used 116 film That was my first time to take pictures. I honestly don't remember the next camera I bought but I'm pretty sure I used something else by the time I got to Juco (junior college.)

The picture above is one I took with a Sawyer double lens reflex camera that we bought when our first son, Mike, was born. That is him at about age two on a kiddie ride at Clowntown in Hutchinson, KS. We recently looked that camera up and the internet says it was only manufactured from 1958 - 1960. We bought ours in 1959.

I had it cropped as you see it and entered it in a weekly contest that our newspaper had and actually won $10! I was so excited.


  1. How cool is that photo!! My parents often took us to Clown Town when my brother and I were kids. I loved to ride the horses and eat cotton candy. The wife who was owner with her husband at the time happened to be a kindergarten teacher where we went to school (Faris). They were always so good to all the kids. I miss those days! Blessings to you guys! ♥

  2. That is such a neat picture. I never took very many pictures until recently. I actually remember driving through Hutchinson years and years ago.

  3. So cute! I have boxes of photos to sort and pass on to my children. I wonder about all of the digital photos I have. Do I print them or just put them on a thumb drive to pass them on? All my phone photos - they will be lost, I think. What does everyone do?

    1. I regularly upload mine to my Google Drive... $1.99 a month gives me 100GB storage for anything (photos, documents, etc.)... and even with lots of photos/docs already in there I've only used 12.5GB of the space. I also do back-up onto flash drives, separated as to what it is. Hope that helps! ♥

  4. Love it! Black and whites are great!
