Wednesday, June 24, 2020

Easy Open

Over a year ago I was given Ensure while I had a short stay at the hospital. It is supposed to be full of vitamins and good stuff. So we have been buying it and drinking it. It couldn't hurt. Right?

Well, Lee picked up some that is High Protein and Easy Open.

I was having trouble opening my first container. After struggling and trying to pull up the plastic from the point of the lowest arrow, it dawned on me that the arrows were pointing DOWN !

How dense can you get? I hated to do it but I mentioned it to Lee. He said he had the same reaction - he had tried to pull the tab up. Maybe for us dummies they should replace the words Easy Open with Pull Down.


  1. I drink Boost and went through the same thing when I started drinking it some years ago.💖

  2. Some packaging is so confusing...why do they do it to us?:(

  3. That's funny, but not funny. Why is packaging so confusing? I do that kind of thing all of the time.

  4. Wow! I am so glad we are not alone in our confusion. However, today was a Lulu for me.
