Tuesday, June 2, 2020

A Late Post for Monday

A day filled with unwelcome news. My Skype buddy is in the hospital in N J with pancreatitus. That must be spelled wrong. Too lazy to look it up. So we didn't communicate except by phone. I think she'll be getting her iPad soon but I was so worn out after a doctor's appointment, I slept from noon till 11:00 p.m. (Not good.)

Missed fixing Lee anything to eat. Luckily he is a good person in the kitchen. When I worked (outside the home) he would cook meals for us! I know he didn't go hungry. And he even asked me, when I finally woke up, if he could fix something for me!  What a guy!

By the way, the doctor told me to keep doing what I'm doing. That's encouraging!


  1. One of the best things that ever happened to us was when I fell and fractured my pelvis. My husband had to take over all of the housework and fixing meals for about 8 weeks. I have not retired, so having him involved in helping to prepare the food we eat has been wonderful.

    1. It is wonderful. My dad helped my mom when she went back to nursing during WWII. A good man is a blessing! Both our sons cook.

  2. My husband also knows how to cook, clean and do laundry. I try not to ask him because he works 60+ hours a week but it's good he knows how in a pinch. :-)
    Praying for your skype buddy.

  3. You nap like me! Glad Lee can cook! Sometimes our bodies just need to sleep!
