Friday, June 5, 2020


Today I received a notice about changes to Blogger. I really wish I understood what the heck they are talking about. I guess if this blog disappears, it will be no great loss. I have had fun doing to and sharing what boring things we do and the odd things that happen once in a while.

So if at the end of June, there is no more rambling, it was fun while it lasted.

It is 98 again here today.


  1. The change is just a little bit different. I think it is for people who use phones. I converted my Far Side Of Fifty Photo an old blog to the new format it is all there. I am sure if you update to that format everything will be okay...fingers crossed. I enjoy your blog so I hope you keep blogging!

    1. Problem here is I am not seeing a place to update! Thanks for readying my silly stuff! I enjoy your creative things and your photos and blog!

  2. I don't know what's up with it either and feel the same way you do. I hope I can at least still read my friends blogs, even if I lose mine. I would hate to lose contact with all of you.

    1. And I love seeing all your projects and reading Your Blog!

  3. I did the update. It changed how things were arranged but that about all. I agree with Far Side that it is making it compatible with phones.

    I found the button at the left down at the bottom.
