Monday, May 18, 2020


Today I made stew again. We really like it. I had forgotten that I used the last of the carrots so I added a lot of celery, onion and cabbage plus the can of diced tomatoes. And the meat was very tender.

After all that chopping, I needed a nap after lunch. It is amazing what a few household chores do to make me tired!

I called the vet to get an appointment for Jack's "wellness check." Lee had told me we needed to do that for Wally. That was our last dog before these two. We laughed about it. I get on the phone and waited with Claire de Lune as the wait tune! Very delightful listening and then I told the receptionist I needed to make an appointment for Wally.

I'll swear, I do miss my mind.


  1. The only thing I dislike about summer is tha absence of soup and stew!

  2. You and Lee been married so long you think just alike.

  3. The stew sounds yummy. I call those my blonde moments.
