Monday, July 22, 2019

The Cool Down

At 7:30 this morning it was 68 degrees. What a nice start to a lovely day.

I went to buy doughnuts about 7:30. No crowd at that hour. We came home with a dozen.
Now, at 9:00 p.m. there are five left. I had one with coffee this morning. So does that mean six were eaten by someone else?

Why isn't he in a sugar coma? That myth that says too much sugar makes a kid full of energy and wildness does not apply to the aged.


  1. Ha! An interesting hypothesis. I wish calories didn't apply to the aged.
    It's supposed to be in the upper 90's here today and then cooler tomorrow. I sure hope so.

    1. We have had the wonderful cool front and it is so beautiful outside! We have about three more days before it starts to warm up again.
