Sunday, July 7, 2019

Quiet Sunday

Today our errand was to the hardware store to buy a furnace filter - 20x25x1- with the best allergy filter they had. Done.

Next to the grocers to buy pork chops on sale.  Done.

The rest of the day involved a nap after lunch and not much else.


  1. We had a quiet day too, I mowed the lawn and watered flowers and cleaned out birdbaths:)

  2. Mine was reasonably quiet as I took care of a garden need with our 15 month old grandson at my side... and that was still pleasant. :) Have a great week! ♥

  3. It sounds like a good day to me. We were at the lake all day. We attended church outdoors by the bay with about 30 other people and then just enjoyed the quiet as everyone else left after the long weekend.
