Thursday, July 25, 2019

Snail Mail

I have recently exchanged letter with a friend in western Kansas. She wrote on the 20th.  The post mark says it was in Wichita on the 22nd. I received it on the 24th.

Things I remember about the mail in the past:

For a local letter, you only had to write "city" on the envelope, after the street address.

We had mail delivery two times a day.

The mail man walked his route. (I wonder if it was a different guy in the afternoon.)

You could mail a letter to another town in Kansas and they would receive it the next day.

The rate for a penny post card was one cent (really!)

A stamp for a regular size letter was three cents.

In case you haven't noticed, it's now fifty cents. I wouldn't mind that so much if the service was a little faster. When you think about it, that is a bargain because you can send your letter to anyplace in the United States for that amount.

I say just raise the rate to a dollar and maybe the post office could get out of debt.

We sent post cards out one year (the penny kind) I can't remember the first line but here is the rest of it.
…..… sent at Christmastide,
My wishes for you are so many.
So after today, just throw it away.
The darn thing only cost me a penny.


  1. Hello MaryLou,
    Thanks for visiting my blog and your sweet comments. The burial buntings ARE crochet! The pattern is free from Bevs Country Cottage website. She has lots of free patterns.
    I remember lots about USPS too. I can mail a letter to my daughter in Nebraska and she gets it in 2-3 days from Washington State. But when she mails to us it takes over a week. Can't figure that one out.
    I remember letters being 6 cents. I used to write lots and lots of letters but not so much anymore. Just sending Christmas cards gets pretty pricey.
    Take care my friend. Speaking of mail, I would love your snail mail address if you feel like sharing it. My email is I promise I won't give it to anyone. :-)
    Blessings always,

  2. I have often wondered about the postal mail taking so long. And I remember those days of buying a stamp for just a few cents. My daughter-in-law became a postal carrier almost a year ago... she had said there is so much different handling with the mail that it sometimes gets them bogged down. I tried to put on her mail bag and satchel recently... even empty they weigh a ton! Have a blessed day! ♥
