Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Cleaning is not Always Good

Yesterday we cleaned out the bottom freezer on the fridge. We took out the basket and really got it nice a sparkly clean.

We put the basket back in backwards.

This morning Lee was going to have a frozen waffle. They weren't frozen. Evidently putting the basket in wrong, keeps the door from completely closing. It wasn't noticeable!

I threw out two large bags of food and three half gallons of ice cream.

It's now facing the right way and the temperature is back down to 14.4 according to Lee's handy, dandy thermometer.

Another First in this journey to incompetence.


  1. Oh no! Guess you call this a lesson learned? As my late father in law used to say, that's one dumb thing I won't do for a while

  2. Oops! I did the same thing with the refrigerator last week. At least everything was still cold but it had obviously run all night long. The door was open about 1/8 of an inch. I still don't know why it didn't seal.

    1. I heard from my sister in law that there are refrigerators with an alarm if the door isn't tight. I hadn't heard about those!

  3. ahhh...who knew...my fridge is very old...about 20 years I am just thankful it keeps on running:)

  4. I've had the same problem in the past as Betsy has... the freezer door not sealing correctly. And it chose to not seal while we had been out of town. Oiy.
