Saturday, August 31, 2019

Battle of the Cookies

These are both peanut butter cookies with chocolate chips added. The one on the left was made by my granddaughter after bugging her to try the recipe I saw on the internet. . . a box of yellow cake mix, 2 eggs, 1/2 cup oil and 1 cup peanut butter.  350 for ten minutes. (We added the chocolate chips: 1 cup.) This was the Kansas version.

The one on the right has a WHOLE package of chocolate chips! I'm not sure what size package. They were made from scratch with Crisco, peanut butter and I am assuming eggs and flour and sugar. They were mailed from New Jersey to Kansas and hand delivered by the postman. When I told him what was in the package, he said, "I'm keeping these." I managed to wrest them away.

Both are delicious, soft textured and I can't leave them alone. Thanks to Judith for her thoughtfulness and notice to the post office: Try not to Throw everything. We have delicious crumbs to put on ice cream so no big loss there.


  1. Oh my! I could NOT have those in my house or I would eat them all. They both look and sound delicious, crumbs and all.

    1. You are right - both delicious and I am trying to limit myself to two a day.

  2. Yeah for cookies! I hardly ever bake them cause we will eat them all:)
