Monday, May 20, 2019

Monday Rumblings

It's dark and cold (50 degrees) and it is raining along with thunder. Poor Jill, the bully dog, is like most bullies, the first one to be afraid. She paces and tries to find a place where she can't hear the noise. Jack, the one who is bullied, sleeps through the whole storm.

I went to P. T. and when they asked how I was doing, I let them know the sad story of last Friday and Saturday. So today they were a lot easier on the new stuff. I guess I think that new and unusual usage of old limbs and muscles is counter productive.  We'll see. I have one relative telling to keep it up and another telling I might want to quit!

Guess I'll have to make up my own mind.


  1. We had a bad storm last Thursday and our sweet Chloe was terrified. She absolutely hates thunder and lightening.
    I'm glad they were easier on you with the PT. I think they forget that most of us aren't overly active, as in running marathons, going into PT! :-)
