Friday, April 19, 2019

Spring and a Fall?

We are still alternating between warm and cool days here. Yesterday we had to run an errand. After getting out of the van with a small box in one hand, I went to the two steps that lead from the garage into the utility room. I grabbed the handle that Lee put up several years ago to help steady someone entering the door.

Suddenly, I felt myself slowly slipping down toward the step. My legs felt like pipe cleaners with no wire in them. I didn't fall or hit the floor hard; it was more like melting body parts (legs.)

Luckily Lee was behind me. I turned my legs around so they were out over the steps and with his help he was able to get me up.

Wow. I don't know what that was.

So today I am doing my own physical therapy. Strengthening those thighs (which are actually about the size of pipe cleaners.)

Strangely, the back is better.