Tuesday, April 23, 2019

Another Challenge

Backing out of the drive, the garage door didn't go all the way down. I was on the way to a doctor's appointment so we didn't have time to mess with it.

When we came home it was still half way up - or half way down. I managed to lean over enough to get inside so I could unlock the front door. We tried to call a company who had worked on the door before. No answering machine or notice that the number is out of order. Just a fast busy signal that has a name in the telephone business but I can't remember what it is. It might be called a "reorder."

I called our neighbor and she told me who had installed her new garage door. We called them and they were out here within an hour! Another hour and it was fixed! I love it when you get good service.  It was a little over one hundred dollars but that's not bad for same day service.

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