Sunday, March 25, 2018


I keep hearing about all the problems with Facebook.

Who knew that a deal on the computer that I use to see recipes, share pictures of Germany and dogs with friends and enjoy some crazy cartoons was being used to influence people to vote?

I have never "liked" any particular item advertised for sale (at least I don't remember doing that.) I mostly ignore the ads and get irritated when some musical ad pops up unannounced.

I did notice that if I googled a particular item (think printer) I will see an ad for that printer appear. Cross contamination.

I guess I am so naïve, ignorant and unobservant that they'll never bother with influencing me.

I made up my mind who I was going to vote for a long time ago and Facebook had nothing to do with it.


  1. me neither, Facebook had no influence on my vote nor did the news channels...they were awfully biased:)

  2. This blog makes me want to vote....
