Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Merry Christmas Eve

It will be quiet here. We had our Christmas the week-end of the 14th. We did go to the store yesterday. My, it was crowded. Everyone was very polite. Standing in line was a challenge because one needed to leave a lane for cross traffic.

I was doing that and saw a couple off to the side of the line I was in. I said, "Excuse me, are you inline?"  They said the were, so I told them I would hang out behind the passers-by!

Suddenly a clerk suggested I go to the next cashier over. I was happy where I was but she was insistent. The reason I hadn't chosen that line was the cart ahead of me was heaped with dozens of items. As it turned out, about $184.00 worth of stuff. I glanced over to my previous position and the couple was still there, no longer off to the side. Some completely unaware woman had stepped in front of them. I smiled at the couple and she grinned and shrugged her shoulders. About that time the man who sort of patrols the check-out lines stopped and spoke to them. (He doesn't miss much.) After a few moments he walked over to a shelf and brought them each a candy cane. It was so nice to see folks so cheerful. It was that way all over the store while navigating crowded aisles.  I'm glad I went to see the spirit was alive in the Marketplace!


  1. Such a nice story of patience. I sure didn't see much of it in my short outing yesterday. It made me glad I could scurry back home, out of the crowds of people. It sounds like that couple had the right idea and it was nice that someone noticed.
    Wishing you and yours a wonderful Christmas.

  2. Merry Christmas! I hope you have a wonderful day! We celebrated with our grands ...will celebrate with my brothers and parents now. Church later today, I am baking pumpkin bread now and have rice cooking for glorified rice to take to my brothers later after church.

    1. Merry Christmas to you! I had to look up glorified rice! Sounds delicious.
