Sunday, November 5, 2017

Sunday (time change) Morning

It seems to me that I have never noticed the changes that happen when we "move the clocks" to save energy. Really?  I suppose there must have been some studies to prove it. The simple solution is just to pick one option and leave it there.

I do understand that it affects some folks. The one that amuses me are when people say their cows are confused. I never could figure that one out. I don't think it was the cows.

Lately I have been taking naps. The reason? We have no schedule. We get up when we wake up, eat when we're hungry and go to bed whenever. Some of my naps are way too long. That means I'll be up late, watching tv or crocheting. In some ways it's nice not to have a time that we have to do something.

The only times we have to meet are our doctor appointments and then we're always early.

1 comment:

  1. Join the club! We are only on a schedule to eat supper as Chance wants someone preparing a meal and his supper at 5:30 so we can eat about 6. Other that that we are flexible:) No appointments that I know of this week...:)
