Tuesday, June 5, 2018

June 5, 1968

Fifty years ago we had two sons, nine and almost seven years old. We also had a small, portable tv set atop our chest of drawers in our bedroom. We had gone to bed after watching some of the results from the primaries.

I woke up and the tv was still on. There was no remote so I got up to turn it off. Suddenly there was coverage of Robert Kennedy speaking to the group of supporters. I left the tv on and went back to sit on the bed.

I don't know just what time it was here or in California, but it was in the middle of the night. He said, "On to Chicago," and I still watched.

Seeing that happen live on television was unbelievable. The events in Dallas were not on local tv until after the event. But here - this was actually being shown when it was happening.

I will never forget it.


  1. I was in college and a robert Kennedy fan. I had wrote a big paper about him in high school. I gave up on government that day.
