Monday, November 9, 2020

A Repeat


I just read the October blog. My brain is in reverse and saying the same thing over again. . . anyway, here's a photo of the ladder, bulb remover and bleeping smoke alarm. The sign on the right says, "Welcome to the Nut house."


  1. There are days like this aren't there? I'm glad you finally did get some sleep. A bulb remover? I wouldn't have thought of that one and I laughed out loud at the Nut House sign. We could use one of those. :-)

  2. I could use that sign too! We had a rug once that had a loon on it that said "Welcome to the Loony Bin" :)

  3. My dad and stepmom had one of those bulb removers... dad said it never worked right and mom always said she was too short to reach to do it, so I would drive down to Wichita and take care of it lol. Ah the joys of bulb-changing huh! I like your Nut House sign lol!!
