Sunday, June 17, 2012

Father's Day

 This is my dad on his way to work. He worked outside as a lineman and later, foreman, for Kansas Power and Light. This photo was taken in the winter as you can tell by the layers of shirts and the coat over his arm.
He was out in all weather, often at night during a storm. He did this for almost forty years.
I miss him. He was very quiet. He expressed his love through actions more than words.
He was a very neat person and a stylish dresser.  He and my mom adopted me, a skinny little baby with some health problems, and nobody could have asked for a better place to land!
A strong union man, he had worked before they had a forty hour week or minimum wage. "Look for the union label" was a slogan we used to buy stuff.
He loved his grandsons and at his retirement dinner he said he was going to have them teach him how to fish.

Happy Father's Day to all those great dads out there.

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1 comment:

  1. That was a great tribute to your dad. He sounds like a great person.
