Sunday, November 11, 2018


I put the flag out after sunrise.

At almost sundown I mentioned bringing it inside. L. said he'd do it.

About 10:30 I thought I should check the closet where we keep it. No flag.

I went out and it was all wet. Rain/snow flurries.

So now it's drying. I'm sorry we left it out after dark. The yard light was on so it was slightly illuminated. Glad no one took it away!


  1. rainy day flag etiquette dictates that you may fly the flag in inclement weather as long as the flag is made of the proper all-weather material.

  2. Most flags today are all-weather flags and are marked as such on the packaging. Typically, all-weather flags are made of nylon and have brass grommets. Any all-weather flag is allowed to fly around the clock, according to the U.S. government.
