This is my new pot! (Thanks Metaml.) It is going to be used, among other things, for Crusty bread.
I love home made bread. I used to make French bread a long time ago. Recently I saw a video on the internet (where else?) about No Knead bread. The French bread I make is No Knead either - just some stirring at intervals.) So this Crusty bread, baked at 450 degrees in a pre heated cast iron pot really appealed to me. The problem? All my pots were Corningware or had plastic handles. Neither would be too good at 450 degrees although Corningware is built to withstand high temps. Plopping some cool dough after preheating the container to 450 degrees might not be the best plan in glass.
So I received this sixteen pound package from UPS and planned to use it yesterday morning to try out the Crusty bread.
First move: measure flour. Second: add 1/4 tsp. yeast. Since I am used to using the whole packet for the French bread, I automatically dumped the whole packet in (1 1/2. tsp.) Panic. I can't take the yeast out of the flour. What to do? Add another cup of flour and make French bread again.
Maybe Crusty will get made in a few days. Two people can only eat so much bread.
You got a fancy pot! I am anxious to see how this bread works and I have a cast iron pot! I am so not a baker but maybe this is fool proof:)
ReplyDelete This is the link for the video for crusty, no knead bread.