Monday, September 8, 2014


Still sorting photos of parents, aunts, uncles, cousins, kids, grandkids, kids of friends, vacation spots, quilts.

If we had never owned a camera, we might be richer today.

Yesterday Annie's Mail Bag had a letter from a woman with twenty-four boxes of old photographs from her parents. Many were from generations ago with no name or date on the back. One family member wanted to keep them but did not have room to store the boxes. Some relatives thought they should be thrown away. Suggestions?  Rent a storage unit and split the cost. Give the unknowns to a museum to see if they have any historical value. Scan them to a computer to share with all relatives.
And the last piece of advice: "People, write names and dates on the back of your photos. Your descendants will thank  you."  (Same applies to quilts - a label, please!)


  1. After sorting through my parent's and in law's photos...I agree. I am guilty of that to a certain extent...sometimes just too busy and think I will do it later, but soon forgotten.

  2. I am marking mine too, I still have more to go! I would scan them and share with relatives...I already have:)
