Sunday, May 10, 2020

Happy Mother's Day

This is my mom on her thirty-fifth wedding anniversary.  She was a great mom and I'm sorry for any troubles I gave her - mostly after I was old enough to know better.

Sadly she didn't get to her thirty-sixth. She was only sixty but we had lots of good times and I have good memories.


  1. That is a great photo of your Mom. I'm glad you have great memories. My Mom passed young too, I was only 29 and she was 67. I still miss her to this day.
    Wishing you a wonderful day!

  2. Happy Mother's Day! I am so fortunate to have my mother at age 93. I'm glad that you have your memories, 60 was too young. 💖

  3. Happy Mother's Day to you. I still have my feisty, spunky, opinionated and selectively deaf mom who is almost 89.

  4. I'm 89, opinionated and a little hard of hearing but not feisty or spunky (wish I were!)
