Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Happy Birthday, PN

Today is our younger son's birthday. For the first time in many years, we are with him - or he is with us! As with many other families, our children scattered to the south and to the north!

I have friends who have all three of their kids living close to them. Our two do not. Mainly because we  are in a small town with very few new jobs in their chosen fields!

So we are glad when we can all get together. This time our daughter-in-law in the northwest and their two girls could not visit but we saw the ones from the south and the birthday guy.

(Did someone leave the cake out in the rain? We have been having showers.)


  1. I'm so glad you got to spend time with your son, Paul. It's hard isn't it, having children far away? As you know, ours are scattered far away, with none close by. I know you enjoyed every second you had together.

  2. Happy Birthday to your son! The cake looks great! :)
