Thursday, October 11, 2018

Registered Mail

Today the doorbell rang and it was the postman. Since the dog got out yesterday when we had a guest, I grabbed her collar while she was up on the couch and barely opened the door.

He had a registered letter for me! Wow. I signed twice, once on one of those things that make your cursive look like hen scratches, and once with a regular pen.

The dog did not get out and I must always have a death grip on her collar from now on.
I would really like a Dutch door so I could keep the bottom half closed and still talk to whoever is there. We don't get many people coming to the door except ones to sell Girl Scout cookies of religion.

Oh. The registered letter was to tell me I need to have my doctor just give me some breathing tests to assure that I still need the use of oxygen at night. I just had that test in September so the nurse advises we are good and she will fax them the information. I'm good for another five years of 02.

I now know that it costs $6.67 to send a registered letter locally.

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