Friday, February 2, 2018

Cold Weather

It's winter. It's February. So why do I think it should be warmer?

Nothing planned outside the house today. I tried another new recipe and this one was a hit. Someone even ate everything on his plate. That is not a normal occurrence  here. We were both raised during the Depression but somehow it stuck with me - sit there and eat that till it's gone.

Not in a mean way, just eat it. That was particularly hard for me when it was round steak. Yes, we had steak during those hard years. My dad had a good job with the electric company, KP&L, so we were fortunate. But the one thing I remember my mom failing at in cooking was fried steak; fried until it was DONE!  And TOUGH. The longer I chewed, the larger that chunk of meat got. Or so it seemed to me.

The first time I had a broiled steak, cooked medium well, it changed my thinking.

I'm so glad I'm not a vegetarian.

So even though it wasn't steak, our taco flavored hamburger casserole was good on this chilly day.

1 comment:

  1. WE lived on a farm but some years the meat had to be sold. I hated Liver that was not sold and then my Mother made some macaroni and dumped a whole jar of tomatoes on it, in big chunks....yuck. Today I will be trying your meat loaf recipe, Far Guy said it sounded good to him when I read it to him the other day:)
