Sunday, February 24, 2013

Morse Hall and Silent Joe at KSTC, Emporia, KS

Posted by PicasaMorse Hall was the women's dorm in 1951. At that time they began an addition
to the south - an addition which was ultra-modern in style and did not
match the original at all.
I always thought they should have replicated the original.
The construction dislocated several women, one of which was
Luz Alvarado of Guatemala. She moved in with my roommate
and me. Bunk beds were moved into our room and we were
the three amigas!


  1. Do you know when Morse Hall first had black girls in the dorm?

  2. A year and a half later I just now see your comment! Sorry, I don't know the answer to your question. I don't remember any black girls living in the dorm in 1951-52. Very sad.....
